Drink me

Ingredients: collards, Apple, Pineapple, Lemon, Ginger

The red apple can assist your digestive system and improve blood sugar control. The nutrient rich kale has Vitamin K, folate, copper, calcium, iron, B vitamins, and magnesium that help promote organ, bone and blood health. The sweet tasting pineapple not only helps to offset the kale and gives the juice additional Vitamin C, but it also provides bromelain, an enzyme that also help reduce your body’s inflammation. The ginger root can help reduce internal inflammation in your body’s digestive track and lessen nausea.

Available in 300 ml

Nutrition facts:
Calories 254 0,00 %
Calories from fat 25,44 0,00 %
Fat 2,82 8,06 %
Cholesterol 0 0,00 %
Sodium 0,098 6,54 %
Potassium 1,572 33,44 %
Carbohydrates 63,2 48,62 %
Dietary fiber 0 0,00 %
Sugar 30 0,00 %
Protein 11,94 0,00 %
Vitamin А 1,234 137,12 %
Vitamin С 0,3706 411,78 %
Calcium 0,4 40,00 %
Iron 0,00432 54,00 %
Vitamins 0 0,00 %
Choline 0,016 2,90 %
Folic acid 0,106 26,50 %
Niacin 0,003284 20,52 %
Riboflavin 0,000406 31,24 %
Thiamine 0,000402 33,50 %
B -12 0 0,00 %
B -6 0,000896 68,92 %
D 0 0,00 %
Е 0 0,00 %
menadiol 1,7312 1442,66 %
Minerals 0 0,00 %
Copper 0,003876 430,66 %
Magnesium 0,144 34,28 %
Phosphorus 0,26 37,14 %
Selenium 0,0024 5,60 %
Zinc 0,00162 14,72 %
Others 0 0,00 %
Caffeine 0 0,00 %
Theobromine 0 0,00 %
Water 474,3 0,00 %